Jowai Ladrymbai Teer Result Today

Welcome to our “Jowai Ladrymbai Teer Result” page. Here on this page below you will get fast and accurate number’s of ‘Jowai Ladrymbai Teer’ live daily on our website which is played in North Eastern State of India.

Check this page daily as you will get daily teer jowai ladrymbai result updates really fast and you will also get complete information about Jowai Ladrymbai previous resultJowai Ladrymbai common numbersJowai Ladrymbai dream numbersjowai ladrymbai teer target today etc.

We also provide all types of Teer Result summary at one single place of our website’s home page TeerResult.Info for Khanapara TeerShillong Morning TeerShillong TeerShillong Night TeerJuwai Teer,

Jowai Ladrymbai Teer Result @4:45 PM

What is Juwai Ladrymbai Teer ?

Jowai Ladrymbai Teer is a traditional archery game that is also played as a lottery in North Eastern State, India. It is the only legal lottery game in the state. The game is played by archers shooting arrows at a target made of bamboo sticks. The number of arrows that hit the target is the winning number.

The Jowai Ladrymbai Teer Result is announced live by Teer Association at around 4:30 PM for the first round and 4: 45 PM for the second round. The results are also published and displayed online here on our website www.TeerResult.Info as soon as released by official sources and also displayed offline on Government authorized lottery shops throughout Meghalaya.

Archers fire arrows at a target, with players betting on how many arrows will end up in the bale. They choose a number between 0 and 99, with 13 winning if 713 arrows hit.

The game is guided by the belief that winning numbers appear in dreams. If a player’s number matches the winning number, they win a prize.

Jowai Ladrymbai Previous Result [Previous Week]

The ‘Jowai Ladrymbai Teer Result‘ page is updated daily, it provides information on FR and SR of Jowai Ladrymbai teer and other important information on jowai ladrymbai teer result today.

It also provide information about jowai ladrymbai teer targetz today, jowai ladrymbai teer common number today, jowai ladrymbai teer hit number, jowai ladrymbai teer list, jowai ladrymbai teer target, jowai ladrymbai teer dream number, jowai ladrymbai teer hit number, jowai ladrymbai teer club and other important information for people interested in winning juwai ladrymbai teer game.

Jowai Ladrymbai Previous Result

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